Threshold has been tested on most current flavors of PowerBooks. It will not work on a Duo.
Threshold was designed as a stand-alone application for two reasons - to minimize the possibility of conflicts with other programs (with CDEV’s or INIT’s, there’s always a risk), and to allow you maximum flexibility with free RAM. If you need more memory, simply quit Threshold (with a CDEV or INIT, you’ll have to reboot, wasting time and battery power).
I want to thank some people who've helped make this program possible, in no particular order...
Dave Madole, Joseph Van, Sharyn Evans, Kirke Lawton, Randall Furushima, DMRay, William New, Mike Wingstrom, Steve Christensen, Markus Wallgren, Paul Allen, David Howarth, and Rich Wolfson. Special thanks to John Fernandez for his cool folder icons!
The information used to write Threshold and this manual has been culled from various sources, including:
• Inside Macintosh, Volume VI (Apple, published by Addison Wesley). This volume contains a discussion of the Power Manager software.
• Macintosh PowerBook Family Developer Notes (Apple). Discusses technical side of PowerBook hardware and firmware.
• The PowerBook Companion (Richard Wolfson, Addison Wesley). A great book with loads of tips for PowerBook users (did you know that when Apple prepares your PowerBook hard drive, megabytes of hard drive space are unused? Buy the book and find out how to get it back!).
Development environment
Threshold has been developed using:
• PowerBook 165c 8/80.
• Apple’s ResEdit, version 2.1.
• Symantec THINK C 6.0. This is one of the best C development environments I’ve seen - it only lacks a configuration management system of similar quality.
• Symantec THINK C Reference. I use this so much my printed copies of “Inside Macintosh” are getting dusty. A truly useful tool if you’re doing any sort of Macintosh programming - the code examples alone are worth the price!
• Added additional code to prevent problems with corrupted "MyBattery Link" file.
• Don't allow internal battery voltage to be dropped as far as for external batteries.
1.0.3 - 20 March 1994
• Properly finds Preferences folder under foreign language versions of System 7.
• Altered colors to look better under 4-bit grayscale.
1.0.2 - 21 January 1994
• Added feature to launch Threshold in background.
1.0.1 - 15 December 1993
• Fixed display problem on B & W PowerBooks.
• Fixed bug with set numbering in "Warnings" menu.
• Allow full range of warning voltages for unregistered users.
1.0.0 - 1 December 1993
• The first release.
While I have attempted to test Threshold as fully as possible, I cannot guarantee proper operation on other computer systems. I am not liable for any direct or indirect damage caused by Threshold. The individual using the software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the software.
If you have registered your copy of Threshold, and are not satisfied with its operation, your registration fee shall be returned to you. You are then obligated, however, to delete all registered copies.